Ever wonder why the lane you are in is moving 10 mph slower than every other lane? Chances are you are following a Corolla. Even wonder why the parking lot at Whole Foods is always backed up? Chances are a Prius driver is having trouble parking. Ever wonder why you are not turning left despite the green left turn signal? Chances are a Camry driver at the front of the line is not paying attention. Ever notice that almost every Camry and Highlander you see on the street has a dent in the bumper? In the 20+ years of driving, I have observed many Toyota drivers and I have come to the conclusion that there is a greater force at work. Like Darwin, who saw evidence of evolution in Galapagos island lizards and booby, I too have come up with a theory that explains it all.

First, the question: Why is it that Toyota drivers are especially inept and timid? And what makes Toyota so special that these bad drivers are drawn to its car like moth into open flames? My theory is that Toyota (and Lexus) drivers are humor-less drones who, following Darwin's theory, have self-selected into driving the very soul-sucking cars that defines their personality. This in term shapes how Toyota makes its car into ever more numb, isolated, ill-handling pods. Which of course makes its cars even more attractive to the bad drivers of the world all over. It's a self-fulfilling cycle - Toyota makes cars only bad drivers appreciate; only bad drivers buy Toyota as a result; Toyota makes the next one even worse to satisfy its main customers.

The basic truth is that there are two kinds of drivers in the world, those who like it and those who don't. I'm not talking about speed fiends or people who like to take their car to the race track (although, you'd never find a Camry at a track day event). I'm taking about just the simple pleasure of driving. The feel of connectedness of steering wheel and gear shift to the tires and motion of the car, the satisfied feeling one gets from piloting a complex machine. If you ask Toyota (and Lexus) owners about this, they would have a blank look on their face. These people simply do not understand driving. They are bad drivers. The kind that takes 20 seconds to make a right turn when there are no cross traffic. The kind that sees a sign for 65 mph and thinks a prudent speed should be 50 mph. The kind that thinks turn signals are optional and the best way to merge on to a freeway is to ride on the brakes and force other cars to slow down to their speed. Toyota drivers on a whole are the kind that prefers soft crushy ride and no steering feedback. In another word, they prefer cars that don't tell them they are doing a bad job of driving.

Now, I fully concede that my theory is not foolproof. Toyota sells a lot of cars and not everyone who buys Toyotas are bad drivers per se. But my observation is largely true... Think of it as a Venn diagram:

If you are driving a Toyota, chances are you are a bad driver. Your subconscious and biological evolution in inept driving skills has lead you down a path towards a vehicle that least offends your sensibility. You are driving a Corolla. Congratulation. Now watch out for that couch on the side of the street... it may jump out at you any time. Slow down... way down... and annoy the rest of us with adequate motor skills and hand-eye coordination that are stuck behind you.

My god, this is the most correct thing ever written. I agree almost 100 percent. The only missing item is that you didn't specifically call out the 4th and 5th most annoying vehicles, Rav4 and Sienna. You hit the top 3 (Corolla, Prius, Camry) right out of the park!
I would move the 'Bad Drivers' circle a bit to the right so that it is not completely within the Toyota circle. Remember, in addition to the bad drivers who drive Toyotas, we also have:
Audi drivers-An Audi is a Volkswagen with a Mercedes-
Benz price tag. How intelligent can someone be, who would pay for a Mercedes-Benz and accept a Volkswagen?
BMW drivers- Yup, there is more than one reason that 'BMW' stands for 'Break My Windows'.
Volvo drivers- 'Volvo' is Swedish for 'Clueless'.
SAAB drivers- SAAB stands for 'Stupid Arrogant Asinine Buttwipe' or 'Something An Ass Bought'.
Mercedes-Benz drivers- "I'm driving a tin box for which I paid a heap of money, so you have to look out for me. Why should I look where I'm going? You look out where I'm going"
Volkswagen drivers- What is a Volkswagen, these days, but an Overpriced Tin box? It AIN'T the beetle of yesterday, for which I still have a grudging respect.
And while on the subject of Lexus drivers, what is a Lexus, but a Toyota with a Cadillac price tag? Do you really expect that much from someone who would pay for a Cadillac and accept a Toyota?
Anonymous pretty much said it all! Soooo true!...don't forget JEEP drivers!
BM, lighten up on Bemmers! While I own 2, I'll be the first to admit...95% of all BMW owners buy the car to impress their friends and neighbors. Most have way more money than brains. They can't drive worth a rat's a$$. What a waste of one of the best handling cars on the road!
I'm a Toyota driver and pay 100% attention on the road. In fact I honk those stupid Mercedes Benz drivers who are busy looking in the rear view mirror at the red lights when the lights turn green and they refuse to move.
I guess my horn will never be broken because of disuse :p
This is so completely true! Another example of a Toyota driver's stupidity: I had entered a roundabout and had almost gotten to my exit when a Camry driver, who had already exited the roundabout before I entered proceeded to reverse back INTO the roundabout and smashed into the back of my car. They could have easily gone down the empty road they had exited onto, turned around and rejoined the roundabout from an entry like any person of sound mind would do, but nooooooo... they reversed INTO a roundabout!!
I hated Camrys before this, so when I realized that I'd been hit by a Camry I actually said 'No fricken way!!' And about 90% of the time when traffic is being held up by some idiot doing grossly under the speed limit, it's always either a Carolla or a Camry.
Although, the new model Carollas aren't too bad. I'm rarely ever stuck behind one going under the speed limit.
Your lack of statistics, random circumstantial evidence and haphazard inference is amusing at best and highly inaccurate.
Someone less intelligent that you used this as a proof.
What a great post!
Have to totally agree with this.
I have my own photo collection of bonehead toyota dings and scrapes.
would love to post em.
This has been a peeve of mine for quite sometime now.
Oddly, toyotas tend to have the worst condition rear bumpers of the lot.
Either from thier drivers not knowing how the hell to back up a car, never mind driving it forward, and also from poor unsuspecting drivers who slam into clueless petrified, always on the brake stop in the middle of the road on a Green light toyota drivers.
I swear, toyota demographic marketers have mastered their profession in tailoring a vehicle to a certain class of idiot.
Now if only we could apply such skill to better areas!
An issue of concern in the media these days, regarding the accelerator pedal / floor mat safety / recall.
A serious matter...
What I am finding absolutely ridiculous in all of this coverage, yet somewhat typical of the abilities of these yoyota drivers is this.
Is it possible people could be so dumb? that it does not even register in their brains, that when your gas pedal on your vehicle sticks to the floor, to turn the ignition key to the off position, or even better place the vehicle in neutral.
Two fundamental safety features included in EVERY modern vehicle.
What I find even more bizarre from these latest public safety concerns, is ability of some of these in a panic yoyota drivers, (behind the wheel of a 2-3000lb vehicle), to find the time to dial 911 for assistance while their car is speeding out of control.
The stupidity continues...
very good points...
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In a nutshell, Toyota drivers are stupid. You have to be an idiot to buy one, so why would you drive any differently? These are the people who don't understand the concept of the "passing lane". Apparently this is their own private lane. These are the very people who flip you the bird when you pass them on the right, or heaven forbid if they ever move over and let you pass on the left you get the bird then as well. It never occurs to these people that they themselves are in the wrong, blocking traffic or merging at unsafe (way to effing slow) speeds. With their cranio-rectal-inversion freshly diagnosed, they walk into the nearest dealership and demand to buy the only car on the market that will help them keep their heads lodged firmly up their arse.
For all my Fellow Toyota haters. In case you haven't seen it yet...
Toyota drivers make me gonzo more so than any other car/driver ALL THE TIME. while driving today, four Toyotas created awkward moments for me and other drivers around me to and from work 60mi total. Cut offs, too slow in passing lane, the typical..otherwise only one ford truck got dickey.
I've realized and ranted on a couple occasions and people laugh because they know too. Toyota drivers are the worse. I'm not making this stuff up.
Great pictures and graph!!!!! :)
Finally I have seen someone who has observed what has irritated me for years unending. First I thought Toyota put controls in their cars to make them annoyingly slow and make the drivers flat out stupid. But voila! here it is finally. These dumb menaces are attracted to toyotas like insects to a light bulb outside. Soul sucking vehicles. I couldn't agree more. Also Toyota drivers can be very ignorant and unpredictable. They could stop for you to cross as a pedestrian and run you down as you are crossing. I have tivoed on my dvr several exhibitions of Toyota drivers ignorance. Now I would have to consider the notion that Toyota never had any accelerator sticking to the floor problem as stated in the media. It is the morons behind the wheel that were much likely the culprits! Excellent post I love this!
and to add to my previous post above. I have become really concerned about the menace of toyota drivers I encounter on my daily commute and decided to google toyota drivers menace stupid and here it revealed this blog. This is very real people! Always watch out for the zombies driving corollas and camrys!!
I've been in the automotive industry and doing a special study on Toyota drivers has always been on my wish list (but of course there's no budget for that). Your post absolutely resonates with my theory of many years about Toyota/Lexus drivers (particularly Corolla, Prius, Camry, ES and RX). So happy to know that I wasn't the only person thinking this!
Im happy to see i'm not the only one that realize toyota driver are dangerous. Everything in that post was so true. The day i'll get an accident it will be cause by a toyota driver
@brokemoto You're not breaking any ground here. You're simply stating that Audi is the luxury branch of Volkswagen and Lexus is to Toyota. Obviously they cost more because you get more. I could see why someone would want a luxury car.
Thank you so much! Finally I feel like I'm not alone, my family makes fun of me and calls me crazy every time I say Toyota drivers can't drive. Now I know this might be something real.
You are quite humorous in your attempts to claim one specific company holds the greatest portion of bad drivers. Especially Toyota? Of all companies. I am assuming that you are in north america, and while yes you are correct that there are those who care and those who do not about driving, the ones who do not tend to also not care about what they drive. In which case, these people are ignorant to the vehicle market and would more immediately buy something domestic in nature, a GM Chrysler or Ford, and since these companies all advertise more than toyota, your theories are incorrect. You would not find a camry on a racetrack, but you could and would find a corolla, celica, supra, tercel, etc. You dont apear to have mentioned personal driving experience with these vehicles which again renders you an ignoramus. Toyota, like other companies, has vehicles at at those who want something nice and comfortable to get them from point A to B, such as a camry, a highlander, and several vehicles in the Lexus brand are purposely designed for the person who favours comfort over a proper driver of a vehicle. Vehicles like 4runner, FJ cruiser, Tundra, Sequoia, Tacoma, tercel, yaris, echo, corolla, celica, supra, and everything from the Scion label are all and were all produced with their drivers in mind, and have excellent feedback through steering, pedals and gear shifts, as well as excelent handling characteristics. I go out sometimes just to test drive different vehicles, when im bored, and Toyota's are from from what you insinuate as the numb vehicle brand. I own a 4runner, and it has more feel than any domestic car on the market. I can tell exactly what is happening and feel everything through the steering and clutch and stick. Also, old people are generally racist and scared of change, so they mostly drive domestic brands, which again side swipes your theory which is backed up by no facts.
All you talking about Audi = volkswagen with mercedez price tag, and lexus = toyota with cadillac price tag. So, for one, brands like Audi and Lexus while under the same family tree as their counter parts and share same platforms and frames as their counterpart vehicles, these vehicles are subject to exceptional engineering and design, the technology and development put into these vehicles makes them worth every penny. It really is suprising how the author of the initial post has gathered so much ignorance towards the vehicle market. You might as well say, a lamborghini is a volkswagen with a ferrari price tag, simply because it is in the Volkswagen corporation. Besides the fact that Volkswagen also claims some of the worlds top engineers, Bently, and how about Bugatti? The worlds most amazing super car. You are all fools.
To the one who commented on Saab drivers, its statistically proven that Saab drivers are the most intelligent drivers on the road.
A correct statement for Cadillac would be, its a Chevy with chromed plastic and rediculous price tag.
Statistics also show that GM and Jeep drivers are among the dumbest on the road.
Irwin, you sir are a genius.
This is 100% true. For the last 15 years driving the same commute and I can truly say, no other brand of car has pissed me off more than the idiots who drive Toyotas. I won't say ALL Toyota drivers are idiots, but I would say 90% of them do not know what the hell they are doing. Not only are they a by-product of the most boring cars, but they are so damned bored of driving, nd are either on the phone, texting, eating, reading, or doing anything BUT driving. Toyotas owners aren't "drivers", they bought a car to get to point A to B. They should all just take public transportation, because they absolutely HATE driving, and thus, don't care how many people they piss off. Do us all a favor Toyota owners, take the friggin' bus.
I can't believe I just now found this!! I've been saying this for years but I have expanded on it a bit more.
All Toyota drivers (for the most part) are just terrible at driving. ALL gold Toyota drivers are a freakin nightmare! The vast majority of anyone who choses a gold car cannot drive to save their lives. Most domestic sedan drivers are passionless and slow and if it's gold they are in the same boat as a Toyota driver. Crown Vics are the worst right along with any Buick. The Prius is my least favorite car of all time.. paint it gold and I'd watch it burn if I could.
I work at a recycling facility and I see a lot of cars/drivers on a daily basis.
Our yard is a simple parking lot with 4 spaces perpendicular to the flow of traffic.
Most toyota drivers cannot follow the simplest rules and apparently cannot read either.
When there is an incident 80% of the time it is a toyota driver parked across lines or blocking someone else.
19% of the time it is a honda or volkswagon driver.
the other 1% is dodge truck owners.
100% TRUE - Without a doubt , Toyota drivers are the worst ones out there.
- They always slowdown traffic
- They stay in the left lane but drive below the speed limit
-They own cars so old they hold no market value, yet they drive as if they were in a Bentley.
Ever notice at night drivers who keep their lights off are usually toyotas? They think because their dash lights up and their daytime running lights are on that all of their lights are on. All I can say is Tofu**ingyota.
I also find this to be true for the most part, though I have a bit of a different angle on it... Toyota has a reputation for being a very dependable vehicle. Elderly and immigrants primarily are drawn to this quality. Elderly have slow reaction time and small peripheral vision. Immigrants come from countries where there are no road rules (you tube "driving in India or China"). I absolutely hate getting stuck behind a Toyota or Honda, it is enraging watching them absentmindedly put other people's lives in jeopardy everywhere they go, signal light on for half an hour, crossing lines on the freeway, merging at half the hyway speed... Thanks for the article!
Hmm, to all of you who are bashing Toyota, I'm curious as to what cars you do drive. I'm leasing a 2014 Corolla right now, and it is the smoothest, most drama-free ride I've ever had! Excellent handling and such a pleasure to drive; I find myself looking forward to work now just so I can drive it :)
If that is the case, then clearly you have never driven the Mazda 3 or Ford Focus. Go drive the standard bearers in the compact class for handling and sportiness, and then come tell us that the new Corolla is fun to drive. What a boring, bland, vanilla ride. First car I ever had on the advice of family was a Toyota Avalon, I was dumb and numb to what a sporty car with nice handling actually felt like. I will never forget the first time I drove a Mazda 3, I thank Mazda to waking me up to what a sporty, good handling, and fun to drive car should feel like. Needless to say, it was my first and last Toyota. Thanks to my Mazda 3, I now know the joy and fun of driving. I know have a strong dislike for all things Toyota and especially for " kill-joy " Toyota drivers, by far some of the worst drivers out there.
i knew that if i searched i would find it, people who share my sentiment, i knew it wasnt just me, holy shit, i worked 3 years at a toyota dealer service dept after working for a domestic brand, it was a culture shock, car culture, it was contant fight agains stupidity, ignorance, arrogance, i started feeling this resentment,hatred,dislike for every idiot that owned a toyota (given there were some exceptions, some nice people). i started calling it the toyota owner effect, i even proved it over and over again to whoever was driving with me, while driving at night: watch... here comes an idiot that forgot to turn the headlights on i will bet anything its a toyota ... 90% of the time righto!! why insnt this lane moving? yeah, a toyota at the front and so on, they would pull into the srrvice bay and ask: why is this light on in my dash? id say you have own the car for two years and you still dont know? lets pull your owners manual and check it together, oh! it says here its the low tire press light!!! i even had one that i checked the tires with him and found a nail and i said : maybe thats the reason! he says: no! that nail was there before the light came on! - yeah, thats how stupid they are, that was when they spoke english ---because 80% were foreigners, ---toyota is a world brand so you see EVERYTHING at toyota service dept, i give it to toyota! they do build a good car! so good it withstands the stupidty and ignorance of its owners, sometimes when draining the oil in some cars it would come out so thick and nasty, a sure sign of neglect, but NO Check engine light! no engine knocking! its a good car, just PLAIN!
Can't believe this! I've had my Toyota driver Theory for years, I'm not crazy after all haha
YES, YES, YES! Toyota (and Lexus) drivers are the most unaware, ignorant and dangerous drivers on the road.
Swing left to turn right, swing right to turn left. Brake for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Hog not just the left lane but any lane they're in. Make you miss the light while they go through.
Why put on the turn signal when you're already half-way into the turn?
May I also nominate Honda Odyssey drivers as members of the toyota club?
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Go back to Costa Rica and drive your Toyota idiot.
Crying laughing. Posting in 2017 and nothing has changed. Some idiots moved to hyundai, enticed by useless garbage gadgets and low price. The rest are still going strong in toyotas, driving into every inanimate object along the way.
Gold colored Corollas are the absolute worst, followed by silver ones, and then white ones. To the drivers of these cars, the world is perceived as nothing more than a collection of shapes, colors, and sounds, from which they derive no meaning, and have no understanding of.
A Corolla driver has as much sense of the surrounding world as a moth could be expected to have of the inner workings of the control center of a nuclear power plant.
It is purely by chance that a Corolla driver may somehow interpret the surroundings in some way that it can direct the Corolla to the intended destination. It would appear equally likely that it will get in an accident, or even more likely cause someone else to get in an accident due to it's unpredictable and seemingly random maneuvers.
Stock toyota driver response: "you are being too mean, I'm going to attack your credibility. OH by the way... I am a toyota fanboy who sucks off toyota... and oh by the way I drive one" You sir are the clown that slows our freeways down
jajajajajaja to funy post, You sir are the clown that slows our freeways down nice comment jajajajajaja.. Thanks for posting.. Cars for sale
I love it! beautifully explained.... I have made the same observations, specially just with Corolla's, timid lethargic drones, damn i hate them!!!
If I may add: Mid 2000's blue Toyota Camry. I work in the grocery business and have observed several regular Shoppers that are morons.
1. The OCD lady that did not want her product passed over the scanner as to avoid contamination from the scanner beams at the check stand. She wanted her laundry detergent ordered specifically for her so she could get it right from the carton that it was delivered in without possibly being on the store shelf. Too many germ filled possibilities to list. All the while holding cash in her clenched fist. She was actually 86'd from our store.
2.Another odd lady that I personally observed her several attempts to get her car parked "just right" in the stall. On more than one occasion.
3. This retired man that needs to find a hobby other than going to the store several times a day, every day of the week. He also seems to enjoy chatting up anybody who will listen in a voice that is way too loud for most people's comfort. Yes, that guy . You can hear him halfway across the store. Ironically, this penny-pinching soul is shopping at the most expensive store in town. Burning fuel and increasing the wear and tear on his vehicle simultaneously.
Toyota drivers are bad, but I expect it because Toyota owners are sheep. I can't count the number of times I think to myself "F'ing Toyota" due to the moronic things the drivers do behind the wheel. Toyota drivers are bad but the worst drivers drive Honda Pilots.
Someone above mentioned 'Toyota quality', sorry sport but that doesn't fly. Toyota has always built crap, they only became popular during the 80's and 90's because they built slightly better crap than domestic makers. For over 10 years now domestic, German, Korean, and even the other Japanese car companies build far better cars than Toyotas.
Wait you didnt mention all the parts that break off on Toyota's!
The door handles I side and outside, door locks, interior plastic trimming and even the door skins. And every one of those vehicles you mentioned have bad drivers. Dont get upset if you are a Toyota driver and got your feelings hurt. I have to drive 40 minutes to work twice a day and even the most powerful motors made by Toyota in a Tundra still has a line of cars behind them. I would rather follow two school buses and a dump truck cuse I know I will still pass the Toyota and get in front of it. You may think Toyota makes such great cars but the fact is hardly anyone speeds in Toyota's. So they aren't really putting them to a real test. There are no high performance parts in them so less likely to be ran hard. And you dont see Supras and Celicas so you know they went somewhere like a junkyard. I even had a Geo metro that pretty much had a Toyota motor and I junked that crap after less than 70k miles.So just use your mirrors next time and see how long the line is behind you next time.
This is spot on.. I think these cars were sent from Space to Russia, and from Russia to California to annoy the hell out of everyone.. I blame bay area Traffic on ALL TOYOTAS.. Save your comments, bc I'm pretty sure I'm right..
Bahahaha oh man, it took me 3 months since I got my DL to figure out most Slowyota drivers were idiots. That was in 2013. Today, I have to deal with these idiots in my daily commute to Chicago and I swear I will be diagnosed with high blood pressure by the time I'm 40.
Lmao couldnt agree more, not smart enough to buy a real damn car why expect them to be smart enough to know how to drive, i drive a semi and i see it everyday i would die of embarrasment if i had to drive a toyota.
At the end of the day, nobody is envious of a Toyota Camry or Corolla driver. Nobody sees a Toyota and gets jealous, but rather, you see a Toyota and wish it wasn't there. In fact, I actually feel bad for the people driving these cars, because it's like willingly admitting to the world that you're a nobody and have no influence on society, aside from the ability to hold up and annoy others.
I don't understand how people willingly buy the most common vehicle on the road... Why would you want to be the same as everyone else? I picture a socialist neighborhood with identical houses, yards, and a Camry in every driveway... yuck!!!!
Aside from the ugliness of these vehicles (untinted windows, uneven off-centered lines, terrible specs) there are two types of Toyotas: either stock, or worse than stock. You will never see a Toyota with customization, aside from the occasional democrat bumper sticker. They are either stock, or stock and also beat to shit. Dented bumpers, body damage, sun damaged paint, and headlights/taillights ALWAYS out. Toyota drivers think of their cars like appliances, rather than beautiful machines. Every Toyota driver who "just wants something nice to get from point A to point B" fall into this category, and like others have said, should really be on public transportation.
Toyota drivers are inexperienced and need something that will hide their lack of driving skill, appreciation for cars, and maintenance knowledge. Thus, their cars get driven into the ground, and these beat up, old, valueless cars proceed to clog up roads and slow down others.
The millions of Camrys and Corollas on the road are testament to the culture of cluelessness that lead them to purchase these vehicles in the first place. It also translates directly into their poor driving abilities. If Toyota drivers were banned from the road, traffic would be a thing of the past. But hey, I'm glad these retard drivers are at least leached to a foreign garbage brand. Toyota is the toilet society needs, but doesn't necessarily want.
At the end of the day, people who buy Toyotas buy them with the same kind of approach they'd buy a washing machine. Driving is just a chore, an errand, a means to accomplish their goal. They approach it without discipline, taking it as just a granted. They don't seem to realize (or care) about the traffic conditions, their own safety or the safety of anybody around them enough.
Once upon a time Toyota had a really cool series of sports cars and they catered to people who enjoyed driving... then the 2000s rolls around and, not content with just discontinuing production, they insulted us with subpar models of their sporty cars before pulling the plug. Toyota did this on purpose to sell more boring cars to boring people.
Hi Anonymous. Like you, I just found this old post today. Today I was stuck behind several camrys and a corolla and it was beyond frustrating. This is on going thing, so today I decided to google “why are Toyota’s so slow?” And lo and behold, here is this post
I really thought I am the only one seeing these bad Toyota drivers (esp. Camry). I drive 50 miles back and forth to work every day for more than 10 yrs and witnessed a lot of stupidities that I can't count. Just so happen I have time so screw around from work today and randomly searched (Camry bad drivers) and BOOM here it is. This is so so true. Funny as it sounds, I am quite relieved that I am not crazy.
My thought is that people buy these cars are the people that don't really care about cars. They are being duped into the notion that these cars last very long. Also these are the car of choice for old people, hence 3 of my aunts drive Camry's (late 60's)...and they are Asian.
Watch out, that could be my Aunt so please take it easy.
For a while now I have noticed that, if there's a car in front of me driving too slow or one that makes careless mistakes on the road, or is just a plain old inconsiderate driver, it is usually a Toyota or Lexus. The other day, my neighbor was driving home and I was behind her. There was another car behind me. The neighbor drives a Toyota minivan. She saw a neighbor at the post boxes and STOPPED HER CAR to talk to her, completely blocking traffic so we both had to stop too and wait for her conversation to end because we couldn't go around because she stopped right next to an island in the middle of the road.. She just stopped without looking to see if there were people behind her. The car in back of me honked at her. When this type of thing happens on the road, I notice that more often than not, the car is a Toyota or Lexus. I finally decided to Google this today to see if this was a thing, and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who noticed.
Hi , thanks for sharing your information.The insights are really helpful and informative.
acting drivers in coimbatore
I love this article and I love this response. God bless all
I think there is a deeper psychological issue which is a microcosum of a larger cultural and naturally explained problem. Its the concept that people today are so neurotic that not only do they not help others or simply remain unchanged in an event in which they could help but they are lost likely willing to expend energy in order to hinder another person when the time arises.
Brother lived noticed this for a long time. The best way you can easily spot a bad driver is if they consider fast lane ediquite or are even aware that Utah a thing
Here in Honolulu, Toyotas seem to be "dime a dozen." Owners are typically Asian like me, but because I consider myself a patriot first I own a Chevy Colorado and Volvo. There is something about Toyota owners I don't understand, why they often drive aggressively and often seem to tailgate -- this says negative things about them. Here in Honolulu we have soooo many Japanese and foreign cars, trucks and SUVs running around town. Every time I see one running around, I feel a sense of betrayal -- the jobs disappear and wealth go overseas.
Thank goodness American car companies have "finally" stepped up and are producing better vehicles these days, this time without "planned obsolescence" built-in to force Americans to buy a new one in few years.
Oh Gosh thinghs are just the same here in Kangaroo continent.
This morning I got stuck in the parking building driveway just because a corolla fought its way into a headin parking spot for about 3 minutes...in the rush hour.
Also on the road you always find the right lane (in this remote area we drive on the left side) is occupied by a toyota driver crusing at 50 km/h (limit says 60).
So true. 95% are friggin' idiots!!
I call them Toyota 'occupants'....because they are NOT drivers. They hate driving, do NOT know how to drive, and just want to get from point A to point B in their boring road going appliances. Causing accidents and inconveniencing ALL other drivers is just the result.
The Japenese are getting revenge for WWII. They put some kind of weird gas into the ventilating system that make drivers useless.
HaHa… good joke Toyota. There you go again slowing everything down!
Wrong! 100% accurate article.
Well, let me feed you some truth. Every brain dead moron I ever seem to encounter always manage to be driving either gm junk, chrysler crap, or nissan garbage. They are by far the most idiotic pieces of human garbage on the planet!
Let me guess, you are one of those stupid chevy lovers huh
Are you on crack?
Hey numbnuts, toyotas DO last a long time. Deal with it
No, retard gm lovers are sheep
No moron, gm queers are the most ignorand idiots around
You are stupid
U R a moron
Says the Toyota loving retard
Get them nuts out your mouth toyohead
Does mommy still breastfeed you?
Now get off your knees and quit sucking his dick
I bet your with the powder puff team in your little Toyota ain't you sissy boy?
Yeah how many 30 to 40 year old Toyotas you see goin down the road dumbass.
You do know your beloved Toyota is in kahootz with him you stupid shit
Gm not him
I use shit like you for fish bait.
Reminds me of the days working in the shop doing brake jobs on ford's and Chevys and engine swaps in Toyotas and hondas
But at least I'm man enough I don't have to drive a little girly car
I bet your that guy who panics when your blinker fluid runs low
So your mother drives a gm and your father drives a dodge then?
You just mad cuz nobody likes your shitty little car
Toyota has really lost their soul. In the 90s, the Supra was embarrassing Ferraris on the drag strip, Celicas were amazing sports coupes, and the MR2 was an amazing little pocket rocket. But they ended all of these, not by just stopping production, but giving us the ultimate FU by releasing crappy versions of their cars before brutally pulling the plug. The Celica turned into a FWD shitbox with the same engine as the Corolla and the Supra became a bloated, worse, ugly BMW Z4. Sure, the Z4 is an amazing, if not pretty car, but the Supra made it worse. For starters, look inside. You don't expect to see a BMW interior when you buy a Japanese car! Plus, the New Supra is so ugly, it makes the Multipla look like the Jaguar E-Type by comparison! Plus, it has the same bullshit non-M engine from the base-model Z4 but detuned to make it more boring. They lost their prowess for making awesome sports cars, just like how Mitsubishi turned from a rally-dominator into a purveyor of bullshit FWD crossovers. Sure, the 2012 GT86 was awesome, but it was pretty much the same as the Subaru BRZ (and I'm not even gonna mention the Scion FRS). And the Subaru variant had slightly more power than the Toyota, but was the same price, so which one would you buy? Obviously, Toyota are discontinuing their sports cars so they have an excuse to sell more boring cocksucker Priuses and Corollas to those motherfucking drones of fucking useless piles of shit that are the assholes that buy Corollas. Seriously, we need to stage a protest and boycott Toyota's boring cars so that they make good sports cars again.
I wholeheartedly agree. An incident where an off duty highway patrol officer in Arizona killed his whole family because of his inaction of merely placing his car in neutral during a 911 call at speed. Road and Track did a road test and accelerated a Camry to top speed on three occasions back to back and were able to bring the car to a complete stop with the accelerator pinned. There was no excuse for this driver to have not been able to do the same.
In contrast, how about the vengeful Tacoma driver. They’re usually 20 something male tree huggers with a mountain bike rack driving their first reliable car weaving traffic like a big Richard with no skill. They’re almost worse than the all evil Prius driver. The Prius driver thinks they’re saving the planet yet their carbon footprint is larger than a hummer h1 over their lifetime. Feels good to vent…
Let me guess,
Poor butt hurt Turdyota owner!?
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